I love the new year. I always feel like it is a time to reorganize and refresh. After all, we do get to start a new calendar! We can throw that old calendar from 2006 with all it's unfinished projects and missed appointments-right in the trash. Now we will really get organized this year right? At least that is what I'm saying. Lately, I have been thinking about my plans for the new year. I have several goals and a couple of resolutions to share: I long to simplify my life some. It just seems that my life has become so complicated with activity, stuff, bills, obligations, and clutter. We have so much garbage. How can we make that much trash? We don't have one empty closet or drawer in this house! Lately, I find myself thinking about how I can simplify my life-my families life, our home, our budget. My first thought was to find a book on the topic...then I decided that would be just one more book to clutter my already spilling over bookshelf. I will continue to think and pond...