Altered Train Cases
Today, I finally finished one train case and the other is well on the way to being completed. The first one, was done for a lady that ordered it. She likes vintage and victorian. She gave me some information about her favorite colors too. So, this is what I came up with for her. I hope she likes it. I am going to call her later and either email her these pics or make an appointment for her to come and pick it up some time next week. I like for it to cure for about 2 weeks before it is used.
I put some fresh lavendar inside the case to help eliminate that musty smell that comes with these vintage cases.
The second case, not quite a case I did for my Aunt Wanda. She wanted one sort of like one I made for my mother for Christmas. She wanted pictures of all her grandkids on this. I hope she likes pink. I am thinking about putting some black checks around the edges to give it some spunk. I am also considering giving it a wash with a pearl white to give it a bit more of an antique look and perhaps mute the pink some. As soon as I get it done and it is thoroughly dried, it will be on it's happy way to my sweet Aunt Wanda (Jeanie)! I am going to put some fresh lavendar in this one along with her original photos of her grandkids. I was careful not to mess up those treasures.