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Valentine's Doll

I finished her tonight. She is not quite like what I had in mind. I had the hardest time with her face. The one you see is not what I started with. This one is actually a polymer clay face I glued on to her after trying so hard to paint a nice face on her built on head. It looked like one of those blow up dolls before. I kept painting over it and repainting but to no avail. Finally, I just glued one of these one her head.

I have a higher appreciation for Noodle and Lou now. Her little doll was just precious. But, this is my version and I know my friend will like her. It is definitely the F.A.Q. version.

Today was a special day because we celebrated my son's 19th birthday. We all went to Midland and ate at Carinos-I'm still full. We shopped and enjoyed each other's company. I can't believe my baby boy is 19. It has been a lovely weekend thus far. Tomorrow.....laundry, housekeeping, etc.....yuk!!! Have a good Sunday. Hugs!


Anonymous said…
Hey I have some of that laundry and stuff to do tomorrow as well...come over and help and I will help with yours! lol Love you and miss you guys! Rhea
Susan said…
She's beautiful. Your friend will love her.
Susan K.
PennyBlue said…
She's charming and wisful adn looks like she has an old soul. Very nice. Happy Sunday...and Boo to housework and laundry!
Ed Mahony said…

Great blog

Was wondering whether you would like to exchange links.

(Communications, Media, Brands, Creative Thinking)

(Creative Thinking and Media, and arts, film, animation, books, travel).

I have worked as an Advertising Account Planner (the person behind the 'big' marketing 'idea' in an ad campaign), Copywriter, TV Researcher, and more.

noodle and lou said…
oooooh I love her!!! She turned out absolutely wonderful!!! What a special gift for your sweet friend...she will treasure her I know! xoxox...jenn

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