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Digital Photo Fun

Just a little digital fun! You can do this with one of your photos too! Just go here!
It is early Saturday morning and I am sitting here in peace and enjoying my coffee and checking out some eye candy on Flickr-blogging-just enjoying myself. Lately, I have been thinking a lot about life. Reflecting....continuously trying to evaluate where I am at....what makes me happy....what I want to happen in my future. I suppose the book I mentioned in my last blog had some impact. That idea about living in the present. Which brings me to this idea that I have had formulating in my little brain for some time now. It's like that song...."If you can't be with the one you love the one your with". No, I love my husband very much. It's not about that....I relate it to if you can't be where it is you think you want to be right now....then love where you are now!
For example, I have been dreaming and fantasizing about our dream home by the lake. Just a little simple place. I dream of having a big garden, herbs, flowers, vegetables....all of it. I dream of having a simple little studio and perhaps even a little gallery where I will display art by me and others. I will have workshops and I will meet so many wonderful people. My husband and I will sit out on our porch in the evening and watch the lake, the nature of it all. We will travel some and we will just have a ball. Of course I won't be tied down to a J-O-B. I will make enough money in my studio and workshops!
In the fantasy, this all would occur when we retire....this is not going to happen for some time. So lately, I have been thinking why do we have to wait to live our dreams? Why can't we incorporate as much of our fantasy into our current life as possible? I'm pretty sure I started thinking like this some last year. That is why I planted my little container garden.
So, how do I live this dream now? I think that I should try to create the environment I envision into my current home. I should try to constantly remind myself to live in the moment.
We are planning a really big garden for the backyard this year. That is a good start. I am still working on my mini workshops plans. I just could not get the courage to go and talk to the craft stores this week. I have to do that!!!!!! I know~!!!!
Hubby and I can take get aways to those lakes and nature places from time to time. There are so many things we can do to love this moment. Have a happy saturday!


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