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Happy birthday rhearhea

Today is my sisters birthday! Rhea-Rhea-Happy Birthday. "August Tonight" is what she used to say in lieu of "August 9th". I remember when she came into this world...I was 11 years old. It was summer and my mother had that big "with child" tummy. We had picked peas and we had them all over the kitchen to prepare for canning. Mama did that almost every summer....pregnant or not. I don't remember all the details but I do remember that the canning of the black eyed peas would have to wait until this precious little baby came.

I remember that we lived in town (Big Spring, Texas) when she was born and that me and my step-brother Brad joked about how we would call her "Radiator" since Mama named her Rhea Dion". That was all we could come up with for proper teasing. It's hard to remember everything, but I do remember the feeling that I had another baby doll to love. I remember that I used to lie on Mama's bed and hold Rhea on my tummy and rock her to sleep to help Mama. I remember feeding her and discovering that I would uncontrolably open my mouth when she did and chew as if I had food in my mouth. (LOL) Even from as an infant she made me do stupid stuff. Heehee

I remember after she came home that I (on my own) attended a local garage sale and purchased a pair of red, lacy, baby tights for her. I could not wait to ride my bike home to give my mama this gift for my new sister. I also remember that my mother sent me to the 7-11 that was not too far from our house to get Kotex. I was so very embarrased that I could not do it. I went home and lied to my mother that they did not have any. Apparently it traumatized me for life because to this day, I still can't buy that item by itself. If I need something like that...I buy a lot of other stuff to cover it up.

How did my baby sister (11 years younger) become my best friend? I don't really know the answer but there are many moments in my life that she was involved with that help to answer this question for me. I am blessed and have been since the day she was born. I love her dearly and miss her sorely. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISSY! I am going to give you these cupcakes (picture from my dear friend Marah) pretend you are eating them up. Oh, they have no fat or if you should even have to worry about that. Do you know how happy I am that you are coming Wednesday. I miss you so....I could just cry. I love you sistah...I hope you had the most special birthday. I was blessed the day you were born!


Anonymous said…
Making me cry, making me cry, making me cry!!! I love you so much and can't wait to see you next week! I love, love, love my bday, you know that!! Love you! Rhea
Stacey said…
Oh FAQ, what a beautiful happy birthday tribute to your sis Rhea! Love the pic quite a lot! xoxo

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