Here is Marisa and Mireya's pillow. I could not resist adding that photo to something she could keep. I worked on it last night and finished it this morning. Yes, I got up early! I can't sleep when Craig is not here and Biscut is not real happy with me because I'm not as fun as Daddy so he tossed and turned, I tossed and turned and finally gave it up. Now Biscut is napping on my bed. It's like, "Shew she's I can sleep". Heehee
Anyway, the pillow is just a small token of appreciation for my dear friend Marisa. She was so good to me this week. When I was having car troubles, I had to leave my car in the shop so she let me drive her car back to Big Spring (home) from Midland and keep it until the next day. She's just cool like that! So she gets this tomorrow at work.