This is a special day that we honor our mothers. I think it is important to have a day for them don't you? The above picture is one of my cherished favorites of my Mom from the first grade, I believe. Without getting all gushy and mushy.......I'm just going to make a list of 20 things that my mother taught me (not in any particular order). Thanks Mama..... I love you with all my heart.
1. We do not hate....we are to love everyone.
2. Less is more...and a little bit goes a long way.
3. Everything in moderation.
4. Saturdays are cleaning day no matter what-first work then play!
5. You can do anything you set your mind to.
6. Always make sure your meals are colorful.
7. Music is a good thing to have in your life. My mom always listened to music and helped me appreciate it.
8. Do not let people run over you.
9. Rolling your eyes at your mother is a bad thing.
10. Reading to your children is a wonderful thing. I will always remember my mother reading to us kids every night before bed. I love to read so much to this day and I know anything I want to know about, I can "look it up" as she used to say. We had encyclopedias and she made us look everything up.
11. Family is important.
12. Love your little sisters no matter how much they annoy you.
13. Laughter is the best medicine.
14. When changing sheets, always put the bright printed side of the top sheet on the inside so that the person in the bed sees it and it makes them cheerful. something like that....
15. Snakes do not have legs.
16. Clouds do not suck up water.
17. Your mother will be here for any crisis....all you gotta do is call.
18. Your mother will love you no matter what. She might not approve....but she will still love you.
19. Mad Money- have mad money ready always.
20. Never go to bed with a mad on. Mama used to have a sign over her bed that said that but I always thought it said "hat" instead of "mad" until she explained it to me in later years. Now I understand.
I would love to see your lists about your moms. Look out, I might tag you with this list. Happy Mother's Day to all. HUGS!