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I finished these fabric flowers yesterday. I loved the polkadot material. I just used fabric stiffener and I baked them some to make the fabric hard. I hot glued the stems and tied pretty ribbon. These are my kinda flowers......I can't kill these. Just dust and go. LOL

Then after thinking about it a bit, I decided to make some round ones....kinda like pansies. That was not enough though.....I wanted them to be sort of primitive so I tea dyed them and baked them to stiffen. I also added polyurthane.....which by the way, I don't like as it seems to have a very mild stickiness even after they dried. So we live and they are. Then I decided to so something else with fabric....something different and unique. Oh my goodness, sometimes I can't leave well enough alone. I do not like this creation but I like the concept so I might have to play with the idea some more. I wanted to make a fabric sculpture piece of art that you could hang on the wall. This is what I got......and I'm giving it away. All you have to do is comment and expand on this concept....what do you think of this fabric don't have to like it....just how should I expand on this idea? Tell me anything that comes to mind. A Random Commenter will be selected to win this peice of art next Sunday. Please tell your friends.


OO girl, you are on FIRE! I loooove those round flowers in the pot! Delicious, and I wouldn't have any worries about killing them (as I do have a black thumb when it comes to LIVE ones).

So much color, your art always makes my eyes POP!

xo, monica :)

I totally DIG the size and color.. I'm thinking wild, funkeee PILLOW.. maybe a lil script to read "PLAY".. I'd love to see ths baby stacked alongside my other cushions! Go girl!
Beedeebabee said…
Hi there!
Your fabric flowers are sooooo pretty!! Why not make a flower wall sculpture? I really like the one you made.
Thanks for visiting my new blog, and for your sweet comment too!
Smiles, Paulette :o)
Sacred Yoli said…
What's to expand? I love it "as is" What size is it? I can see this in a Shadow box, or some wire wrapped in some copper wire with dangly charms. I can also see this on a blank wall.
I have always loved your use of vibrant colores!
FAQ said…
LOve the idea to attach wire and danglys yoli! Love all of your ideas everyone. Keep them coming. xoxo
Susan said…
I think the wall sculpture looks like a sleeping bag or a pool float. How about an art doll lounging atop it? I like the polka dot tulips with the striped stems. Hmmm, you should do a grouping with all your art that has stripped legs and/or stems. How cute would that be?
FAQ said…
OH susan, it does soooo look like a pool floatie! are so right! Barbie will have a great time on this. Thanks all!
Debbie said…
You are the creative one! Don't ask me to expand on anything - except my waist size:)
Bella said…
At first I thought your sculpture was a flag! How about making the red stripes go all the way across on the bottom? But I actually like it as it is as well. And love your flowers. One question: Why do you bake them? What did I miss?
sara said…
LOVE the flowers!!!! I need to make these since I do not have a green thumb! :)
sara said…
Oops I forgot to say about the fabric sculpture- very cute- I would probably put it on a chair like a pillow.
Anonymous said…
No way! They are guerilla flowers if EVER I have sen one.

Make more, make a whoel garden of them and then "plant them" Adorable.
I want one, no, actually I want 100.

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