Oh, today was such a lovely day. I started off by taking a lovely walk with my biggest fan; Sebastian. We decided to be a bit more leisurely about our walk today and take the camera. I took a few pics so that I could share the beauty of my neighborhood with you. I am always seeing things that I want to take pics of but it is not convenient to carry the cam...so today.....I did.
After all, it is Sunday......a day of rest and respite. The above photo is of some flowers that have these little brown tubes sticking out from the middle. I thought they were arranged in the shape of a heart.

Then, I found this sign and a few others around the Little League Baseball field. Don't worry, I did not go in there!
Oh these are just a few of the pics I took. You can see all of them on my flickr....just click on the striped legs on the side bar.
Later on, my husband and I went to Scenic Mountain to eat our lunch. We stopped and bought some Tacoritos-from Taco Villia (much like the double deckers from Taco Bell. Anyway, we ate those up pretty quickly and sipped our tea from Neighbors Convenience Store (they have the best tea ever). Then we started snapping some photos. I won't make you look at all of them. Here is Craig's prize shot:

And here is my baby.

Then, I took this prize shot.
We came home and took a lovely rest watching television and then I started on my art. HUGS TO ALL. I will be catching up with you all tonight and tomorrow. LOVE and PEACE! Happy Memorial Day tomorrow! Raise your flags!
Your pieces are FABULOUS!
Looking forward to learning more about you and your art!
A fellow artist...