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To Focus or Not to Focus

So like, should I focus on one thing? Should I "doith one thing and do it well"? I wonder if I dabble to much in so many different types of media? It seems like a few people lately have made very kind and gentle comments that perhaps I should stick with my painting/mixed media type stuff. I don't think they are saying the jewelry is bad. I think they are saying that the jewelry is not all that different from a lot of the found object and metal jewelry you see now. It just does not really stand out.
If I could stick with one art form, my craft room would be much less crowded! Well, probably not, because even with the mixed media (you can use all types of stuff). I wonder if I could keep myself interested enough to stay in the mixed media department. Another thing I am curious about is my "Funky Art Queen" title that I have been using for so long. I wonder if that is pretentious and a turn off to some. Or is it just the type of name that would draw the people who like my type of art in? I'm just curious because I want to be successful at selling my art. So, I am always looking to improve and grow.
I'm not fishing for complements, I would just like some good constructive feedback from my blog friends. After all, we have to help each other out. Mean while, I found one of my earlier pieces and listed the print on Etsy last night. I also updated/re listed some items. Have a looksie! Hugs



Carmen said…
I guess it depends on your purpose for doing art. I've sort of been having this conversation with myself lately too.

If selling is your goal and figure out what sells and stick with it. Otherwise, girl, I say go with what ever makes your heart sing at any given moment! That's what I've decided to do. I'm not going to focus on selling because when I do, I get burnt out. I want to love what I do and truly enjoy the process!

I love everything you've been doing lately! It is obvious through the words you use to describe your creations that you are loving what you're doing! Your passion is contagious!

I can't wait to see what you dream up next!


forcryeye said…
I love your jewelry, so don't stop making it whatever you do! I dabble in a million things, and cannot imagine my life without any of them. I think one way to grow as an artist is to dabble in different medias. So there. I think FUNKY ART QUEEN sums up your artwork to a I wouldn't change it. I never thought of it as arrogant or pretentious. Hope this helps, I love you the way you are, and I love all the art you create!
forcryeye said…
I love your jewelry, so don't stop making it whatever you do! I dabble in a million things, and cannot imagine my life without any of them. I think one way to grow as an artist is to dabble in different medias. So there. I think FUNKY ART QUEEN sums up your artwork to a I wouldn't change it. I never thought of it as arrogant or pretentious. Hope this helps, I love you the way you are, and I love all the art you create!
Amber said…
This is what I truly believe...Do What Makes You's that what makes you happy.....and the recognition and money will follow. Hey...and I like Funky Art's a colorful, fun name. Blessings!
Susan said…
Not Me! I would be bored silly if I stuck to one thing. My idea of sticking to one thing is to do jewelry for a week, then switch off to found object art for a week, then sew for a week.... That's why I call my art "one of a kind, mixed media". I have had jewelry on Etsy for months and it hasn't sold, that doesn't mean it's not good, it just means it hasn't sold. I get lots of good feed back from the Etsy community (chat room, etc), so I think sometimes, sales of jewelry, arts, etc. are cyclical. I, for one, like the Funky Art Queen title. If what you want to do is increase sales on Etsy, it is all about making yourself known. When I have time, I chat with other Etsy artists, real time, and see what they are doing. Things just take time. I, personally, like items that are sometimes quirky and a bit unusual and that's why I like your art, but if increasing sales is the issue of the day, you may have to try to appeal to those buyers who are more "mainstream". I am not such a bohemian type that I refuse to do that. Well, that's my rant for now. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Please don't change! You *ARE* the FunkyArtQueen! You were one of my inspirations to get back into doing my own art thing. :-) I think selling art online is a very tricky business and I agree with everything Susan said. Also, with the economy right now, it's just not a good time for selling things in general.

I'm also all over the place with my art stuff but tend to make a lot of things for myself or as gifts so never think to take photographs and post them anywhere.
Kim Mailhot said…
I wrote a comment on this post yesterday but it didn't go though some how.. I will see if I can remember some of what it said ....
From one queen to another (aside : Oh oh! Is using the title "queen" pretentious ? Is that what people think ? Oh no, something else to worry about ! Oh yea, I said I wasn't going to do that anymore !I have earned the right to be called queen. The Queen says "Let them eat paint !!!""
Lesley, I think you are like me, a process artist rather than a product artist. I know that I learn and grow from exploring a lot of different wonderful things. Playing with all the great stuff out there is what makes my artist's soul happy. If people like what I do along the way enough to buy it (which they seem to do, which is great !), then I can just gratefully add that profit to all the wonderful rewards I get from being an artist.
"Don't go changing to try and please me.." the song says.. "Please yourself first!" sounds like a great motto for a queen, don't you think ?
Hugs back at you !
Kim, Queen of Arts
Anonymous said…
Sorry for the late post...have been behind all week; but I agree with everyone....stick with what makes you happy. You sure dont want your hobby to feel like a job you hate. I love your creativity and the fact that you venture out to try different things...because of you when I see a pull top tab from an old coke can, I think of you! lol And please dont lose the F.A.Q. I love love love it! And I love you, Rhea
FAQ said…
Oh rhea, you are precious. All of you are. I have a friend who picks up every piece of metal she finds without any filtering. I get all kinds of things...some I'm not quite sure what to do with but that she thinks of me, her crazy friend. That is special.
carolyn said…
I replied to this post a few days ago too and for some reason mine did not go through either and it was a long wordy reply! I thought maybe it was too long and blogger didn't approve. LOL! I feel so late and redundant reposting my comment but I feel strongly about it so here it is in abbreviated form. I agree with everything that everyone has already said...basically do art to make you happy and you learn and grow from trying out different mediums and styles, whether it is painting, found object assemblage, collage, jewelry, etc. If you pigeonhole yourself and stick to one medium to "perfect" it (if there is such a thing) then you may get burnt out and artmaking will become a chore, not a joy, and what is the point of that? I always look forward to your posts Lesley because I never know what you are going to come up with next!
As far as the title goes , it is catchy and if you've had it for a while now you most likely have developed a following and people know you as The Funky Art Queen. It is also all encompassing (funky art) and your art could fall under so many categories and I think the title fits! I hope that makes sense.
I wish my original comment went through. It sounded better!
kartika said…
Hey I really like Funky Art Queen - I don't think you need to change it because it is fun and it certainly drew me in - also, your work is delightful and I hope you trust that - it has made me smile and pulled me into a world and it has a lot of feeling and is interested - so carry on! Kartika lol

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