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I'm almost finished with my kitchen project. I still have to put a poly finish on the cabinets and I need a few more little doodads to put up on the walls. It was a hard pr0ject mostly because of the border scraping I spoke of last time. NEVER AGAIN!!! JUST SAY NO TO BORDER.
I have had the last 4 days off from work. My husband and son went on a little trip together so it was just me and my daughter. You would think that I might have taken that time to relax and "gather my thoughts" but no, I had the psychotic idea to do the kitchen. I am so sore in my legs and back from getting up and down from the stool and from painting the ceiling. Enough complaining. Husband and son coming home today and I am so glad. I'm not a good single person. I don't sleep good, I don't know what to do with myself. I like everyone to be in there little places so I can relax. Have a good week and don't stress too much about the upcoming holidays.