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love birds cake topper

OK, I discovered paper clay and I can't stop! I loved it the minute I felt it in my hands. It is so soft and does just want you want it to. So, I guess since I was in bird mode already, I created these little sculptured birds. I decided they would be beautiful on a wedding cake topper. So, I created this wedding cake topper for the birds to sit and oogle at each other....and perhaps kiss. What do you think?

The only thing I don't like is that I used "triple thick" gloss glaze. I would the birds to have been less glossy now that I'm done. But, my husband says he thinks they look more like porcelain or ceramic with the gloss and he loves them. If you work with paper clay, can you tell me what kind of glaze works good to protect your work?

I have so many projects started that I am telling myself I have to finish before I start anything else. We will see how that goes. I have a little clay sculpture of a woman from the shoulders up that I'm scared to paint her face. I'm so afraid I will mess her up. I have a pair of funny birds (clay) I'm working on. (These were a project found on the paperclay site. Then, I have a new pattern I drew out for a much smaller fabric bird. Not to mention I have not finished my redecorating project~! Oh well. I just feel blessed that I get so much joy from these creative projects and sharing them with my blog friends. Like the saying at the bottom of my email..."All you need to be happy is someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for." Zig Ziggler (A wise man indeed). Hugs and sorry I'm always so wordy. I just have so much to say!!!


Susan said…
Doesn't Zig also remind us not to get "cooked in the squat"?? Since you have a lot of projects going on, keep this one in mind. Love me some Zig Zigglar! Hugs back at ya'. We love you and your blog. Susan
Hi there, hope to see you tomorrow or friday! Miss you! Love the little birds, they are so sweet. Also love the bird below! I feel the same way you do, I have so many projects going that I can't keep up! I bought patterns today to make little stuffed animals & dolls, plus bought fleece material, oh well you get the gist! Talk tommorrow! Love ya, Renea
Kim Mailhot said…
And we feel blessed that you are around to share your enthusiasm and experiences - not to mention the great art !

The paper clay sounds fun ! I, too, have too many unfinished projects to add anything new to the repetoire but I am liking those birds oh so much...would love to see some in bright "Funky Art Queen" colors !
Cheers and happy Thursday,
Carolyn said…
Lesley, these are amazing! You crack me up: you are like me in that you are always trying something new! Is the paperclay grey crumbly stuff that you mold after adding water? I may have some of it in my stash downstairs.... let me know what you use.

I've been making attempts with paper mache, but it's not going as well as I'd like (that's why I haven't posted any of it!) Maybe the paperclay would work out better for me!
FAQ said…
Thanks Susan, Kim and Carolyn! The clay is Paperclay and there is a link to their site on this entry on last paragraph Carolyn. Susan, I have not heard that one by Zig but it is a good one too! Renea, hmmm bet you are going to make some babies for the baby! Heehee
Janet said…
Your love birds are so sweet. I've only used paper clay to make small faces for art dolls. And I didn't glaze them with anything....just painted them. So I'm no help!
Anonymous said…
U DID A GREAT JOB ON THESE!! Love them! & love you, Rhea
Jo Anne O. said…
Oh, they were so lovely too!!! I like the gloss as well as it does make them appear more like porceline!

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