The above: Compliments of my good friend Donna Baker
Gosh, I just can't let go of the Funky Art Queen! I'm really missing that part of my life lately. Lately, I have been dabbling with my creative journals. Seems like I kind of lost my mojo-they just don't seem as vibrant or fun. So I picked up a few books lately about creative journaling and I'm kinda feeling it again. As I am typing this post, I have several pages started with the first couple of layers of paint/color. Actually, I have quite the mess on the kitchen table and my husband will be not so pleasantly surprised when he wakes up and comes into the kitchen.
I actually finished every page in one journal that I have been working on for two years. It is the first journal I ever finished! I have so many that I got half way through and got bored with and abandoned the poor things. Maybe some day I will begin to attack those. I just get so caught up in the fact that they have to be in order of date or something! LOL (NO RULES!)
Funky Art Queen is back for now. I still make jewelry for my Etsy shop but I'm on the fence about that. I like doing it but I don't love it like I love getting all messed up with paint! LOL
I found this little quote (above) the other day and it got me to thinking. I do a lot of thinking on my 40 minute drive to and from work. Anyway, what is the answer to this question for you? What did you do as a child...... Here is my list-and I enjoyed remembering. You try it!
- Crafts! My mother was very crafty! We made crafts for every holiday. We colored, painted, cut things out, sewed, all kinds of things. For me creating means happy times.
- Singing: Mom also sang to us and with us. We loved to sing silly songs. Then, as I grew up to country music and some old classic rock-then some pop when I was a teen, I sang to every song. I was that girl in the car that sang to every song and probably drove everyone crazy. Music made me happy and made the hours pass like minutes.
- Write poems-especially when I was a teen. I wrote all kinds of poems.
- Read books-I have always had a love for books. I don't read much any more. I want to, just don't seem to make time for it.
- Talking to my girlfriends and my Mom. Just talk talk talk-love my girlfriend/sister/Mom time.
- Taking pictures-I used to have polaroids and all kinds of cameras. I used to make my poor little sisters pose all over the place for pictures. I would put them in their Easter dresses in the dead of winter, take them outside and take their pictures. LOL
- Family Gatherings.