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Something Fishy is going on here! Yes, I finally finished my fish handbag and I named it FISH-A-Licious which I thought was brilliant (heehee at how I entertain myself). This was my second offering for the Bags2riches contest.
It was quite the ordeal in thinking about how I would make a purse look like a fish. I don't even want to go into the "why" of that project. Let's just say it is art honey and go with it. I can't explain why my brain works the way it does....I just go with it and that seems to work best for me. I'm sure that someone will like it in this world. I once read a quote somewhere (don't remember exactly how it went) that said essentially that for every piece of art, there is someone in this world that will love it. So, hope that person finds this! LOL
On another note, the book proposal was rejected by PUBLISHER NUMBER ONE. Now let me first say that while I don't enjoy blogs that are dark and negative and moody, I do appreciate when people share their real life experiences. That being said, I just want to tell you that it did make me sad for a moment (ok a whole evening). I did question myself and my talents. I am not one to stay down for long. The next morning, my best friend called me and she said the most wonderful thing. She said, "it took John Grisham 150 proposals to get published". It just made me remember that when you want something you have to be persistent and persevere. I'm moving on to PUBLISHER NUMBER TWO. I will be working on my plan this weekend. I will never give up on my dreams no matter what anyone tells me. Also, remember this.....


Lisa said…
you go girl!!!it will happen...don't know when..thats what makes it so fun! the unknown and the thrill when it does happen!!!don't give up....
Susan said…
I love your purse and I agree, it will happen. As far as District 9, if you like Sci-Fi, you must see it. It is realistic and gritty and I loved it!
LOVE Fish=a=licious, so cute and colorful. Remember how many publishers "john" went threw before he was published! Love ya, Renea
deb did it said…
KEEP ON KEEPING ON....remember the little train that could....I THINK I CAN I KNOW I CAN.....think it dream it be it....NIKE....GO GIRL.....somewhere over the rainbow....write it and they will come....~ behind you all the way~
Debbie said…
I am sure those rejection letters are terribly hard but hang in there! Do it for the fish:)
Priti Lisa said…
I Love the FURSE! lol Now I am just amusing myself...Chin up girl, it's everyone else who's crazy...some people will never understand pure, beautiful FUNK! the purse. Like REALLY love the purse...for real!
Second, my first response as I read your publisher woes was "Are you kiddin? That was only one!" There are sooo many reasons to say no. One might just be the financial timing for THAT day! I would stay persistant and if you had received an OK the first time out, I would immediately drive down and by a lottery ticket!
Mechelle said…
The purse is absolutely adorable! Great job.
OMG, that is hecka cute! I love it!

Amber said…
love. love. love the purse!
Poetic Artist said…
You are right..We never should give up and there is always someone out there who will love you and your creations.
Love the purse.
Carmen said…

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