Craig and I took a quick overnight trip to Granbury, Texas this weekend. We stayed at the Arbor House B&B (pic). It was a very beautiful B&B.
Renea introduced me to Granbury a while back when Lisa and I went to stay with her. It is a small town with a town square that is full of quaint little shops. Craig and I arrived around noon so we shopped a little and got right to lunch at "Hanks" (FANTASTIC CHEESBURGERS HANK!) Then we got back to shopping. Finally we left town square and went to an antique store right next to Arbor House (killing time until check in at 3). Craig found some old newspapers and I picked up two wonderful cabinet photos of the same girl (2 different poses). Will scan later. We went to the B&B and checked in. I just could not wait to get to the beach! So we quickly changed into bathing suits and walked across the street to Granbury Lake Beach.

We stayed at the beach most of the afternoon alternating swimming and playing with laying in the sun. FUN! Then, we got cleaned up and went out for supper. There was live music on the square and a very festive atmosphere on a hot/humid summer evening. We went back to Hanks for supper (they are really good). Great fun. We went back to the Arbor House, poured some wine and sat out on the gazebo for a few hours just visiting and enjoying each other. We got up the next morning to a lovely breakfast with several others. Then, we decided we should get home and get prepared for the work week ie; laundry, housecleaning, etc (YUK). It was a quick trip but we enjoyed our sweet time together!