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Mamamia Renea is 50

Happy 50th Beautiful Renea! Add Video
My BFF's
I can't tell you how much these two girls mean to me. I love them and I feel so blessed that God sent them to me. I am so happy to have them in my life. I just know that we cross paths with women in our lives because God means for us to. We have our mother, our sisters, and our dear friends, and our best friends......all meeting different needs in us....all part of the bigger plan that we could not even begin to imagine. Forgive me, I watched Mamamia this weekend and it touched me on the sisterhood bare with me I am feeling mushy.

One of my BFF'S (no names will be mentioned...Pocket Full of Prettys/Renea so don't worry) turned 50 this weekend. So, to celebrate, we had a grown up girls slumber party at the other BFF's house(Wild Over Wine)....pool included. We had such a great time.....we drank wine... some of us more than others, sat in the pool,( I dived in the pool looking for my lost earring only to find out later that it was in the abdominal area of my bathing suit.) It really made Lisa and Renea laugh......

We had such fun! I drank a little too much wine, I know, this is hard to believe......oops....and I decided we needed to take pics of our feet.....I'm beginning to wonder if I have a foot fetish with all the "lost soles" pics and this!

No one understands us one gets us like our girlfriends. I love you Lisa and Renea....I am blessed to have you as friends! Happy Birthday Renea....see it was no big deal and you are still HOT HOT HOT! Ask Barry! I'm sure he will agree. I love you!

Oh Lisa, don't even think you are off the hook! I have the best pic ( you won't think so) of you to post if you don't stop posting butt uglee photos of me..... be careful sistah! LOL


Lisa said…
oh your so sweet! i love you and renea are the best! i know you are too sweet to post an unbecoming pic of me. hahahah.had a blast!
FAQ said…
Well, I have a very unbecoming photo should the need arise....heehee
Oh honey, you know how much I love you and Lisa! Thank you so much for such a wonderful weekend, and party! I love the photo of me and Lisa! And I also love the photo of our feet, hee hee! See you soon sweetie! Love ya, Renea
rxBambi said…
This sounds like a wonderful party! I haven't had a slumber party with my girl friends in FOREVER! How awesome you are able to do this! I have to admit, I'm a little jealous. Any chance you ladies are in the mid-west?? :)
rhea Calvert said…
Looks like you girls had fun! So glad you were all able to come together and celebrate Renea's wonderful day. I LOVE LOVE LOVE MaMa Mia!! Makes me want to get up and dance and sing with my sisters!!!! Love you! Rhea
Such great girlfriend energy in these photos and your friend is beautiful!
Kim Mailhot said…
Looks like you had a perfect girlfriend time !!!! What a great celebration of your friendship and your dear friends birthday !

Isn't Mammamia the perfect girlfriend movie ? I saw it with two of my BFFs too and it just made me cry at the fun those chicks were having and to know I have that in my life as well.
Here's to our girls !
deb did it said…
love the the the energy I receive when i visit your blog!! LOVE MY WINE I am sipping right now...CHEERS!!
Natural Stone said…
love the movie too!!

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