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New Things I want To Learn

Hey all.  I am getting spring fever! You? It has been warm here in West Texas this week (like the 80's).  I'm seeing people out in shorts, sandles (OMG gotta get a pedicure) and all kinds of spring/summer wear!  As always, gotta say this is my favorite time of the year.  I just get a renewed spirit-I'm so not a winter person!  I have a lot of things on my mind in the creative department that I want to share with you.  Hopefully, it will keep me focused if I write it down! LOL

I'm so loving the Precious Metal Clay!  I'm learning so much.  I'm still very much in the basic and intro level.  I search the internet over for tutorials and instructions.  I even joined a yahoo group on this topic.  I have ordered some copper clay and that is my next adventure.  Eventually, I want to make a group/line of jewelry that is mixed metals-more specifically, copper with silver.  I have always loved copper with silver.

More things I want to learn this year.

  1. Setting stones in the PMC.
  2. How to make a ring with PMC.
  3. Using resin with PMC because I need some color!
  4. Making a bead-using cork clay-making hollow beads
  5. Do whatever it takes to get level I certification with PMC
I cracked the code on fingerprint jewelry!  See the above pic?  I am ready for orders!  If you order from my Etsy shop, I will send you the fingerprint kit.  Then you will follow the simple instructions and return the kit and I will make you a special and personal heart with your loves fingerprint on it in fine silver.


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