Sorry it has been so long since I blogged. I was deathly ill (no kidding) from last Saturday-Thursday with stomach flu. OK, I wasn't dying but I felt like I was. It was such a fun way to spend Memorial (3 day) weekend. I did not do one piece of art or even think of art. Just had a lot of one on one time with me in the bathroom.
So, Wednesday, sickly me and Craig and Heather left for San Antonio to go and see our boy graduate from boot camp (Air Force). It was a lovely week of activities leading up to graduation on Friday. We got to see him Thursday at the coin ceremony. At orientation we found out Cody was graduating with honors. He looked so handsome in his uniform. He is so grown up in his mannerisms and behavior. I just can't believe it is him. But, he is still our Cody with his wit and humor and mischief. Just more grown up and very proud.
I hope to start getting a lot of things done. So keep an eye out for updates on my art stuff and my life. Oh, if you want to see more pics of the graduation and his proposal to his girlfriend (oops forgot to mention that) go over to MY FLICKR and check them out. Yes, Cody proposed to his all through high school sweetheart; Nadia. They don't have any immediate plans to wed because she wants to complete her degree and Cody has no idea of his future yet. But, they have committed to each other with a beautiful, tiny little diamond. It was very touching to see this romantic display in the middle of the airport. I knew he was going to propose, just did not know he was going to do this. Hugs to all.....More, definitely more later.
Second, thank you responding to the RED Party. It is a great event with for a great cause. I'm working out the detail with them now.....I'll be in touch!
Try to continue to get better and don't do too much, too soon. Hugs from "Mother Hen" Susan