So here is a funny story. From the moment I decided I wanted a printing press, I decided my first project would be our family Christmas card for this year. I wanted to keep focused on something to get me going on this new adventure. I looked and looked for the right price and a nice little tabletop press. I found "Kelsey" on ebay and got it last week. Here is the interesting part. Kelsey came with some extras. One of the extras was a (linocut stamp-I believe) that is a Christmas card that someone made. It just gave me think that someone-maybe like me....decided she wanted a printing press and made her own Christmas cards. Here is the linocut print that I could not wait to do by hand so I could better see the impression. I don't really get the ship but it is well carved and still lovely. I think it would have print better on paper better suited for this purpose but I just had to see it now. Anyway, on the back of...