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Showing posts from January, 2011

Finally Used My Kiln

And we did not have to call these guys-too bad! I have wanted a kiln for so long and I finally purchased one of the Paragon jewelry kilns back in November.  I had so many hand stamping jewelry orders that I decided that I would not try to use the kiln until after the holidays. I was so anxious about using it....I don't know why.  I just had visions of burning down the house or using up all the electricity in the neighborhood and causing a black out or something......really.  I don't usually get this alarmed about something but for some reason I was just anxious about it.   I finally tried it out last night.  I had already done much reading and watched some online tutorials so I had no more excuses!  I did it!  I first fired one item of pmc-an OM pendant like this one .  It turned out good so I fired a little tray of items.  I can't show you them yet because I have to clean them up.  Maybe tonight I can show you.  Anyway, I am thri...

50 States In 3 Months Challenge

I have been thinking about this for awhile....being the list maker and checker offer that I am.  I love to conquer my lists and goals!  I decided that I would make a goal of selling something in each of the 50 United States.  But, to make it fun....(and a little bit easier to achieve) I decided to do this with a friend who is also crafty and goal oriented: My Friend Renea ( Pocket Full of Prettys ) was excited to join me in this self imposed goal/deadline.  We decided to give ourselves 3 months to make a sale in every state of the U.S. by April 24th, 2011.  Between the two of us, surely we can sell items in every state!  So, it is on!   Now, we simply can't do this by ourselves.  Wouldn't it be more fun if our Etsy friends joined us in this lofty goal?  We say find a fellow Etsy Artisian and jump in to try this challenge!  Let us know if you are participating and keep us posted on your progress.  This could turn into something HUG...

Clay Mushrooms

I saw some really cute little felt mushrooms on Etsy and decided to try and make some with clay.  I used a light-weight stone clay and they are very light.  I could not wait to take a picture of them.  I also took a pic of them by my little fairy door that I bought on Etsy a while back.  I think I must be in the mood for spring!  LOL

How 'Bout Some Bling For Your Puppy?

I hand stamped this little sterling silver dog bone with my Molly's name on it today.  I added a swarovski crystal and some little heart spacers-connected it to a key chain loop and put it on her collar.  Of course it took much convincing to get Ms. Molly to let me take a pic of her wearing her new little bling!  But she finally decided she would do it for a cookie! Anyway, you can find the link to these charms in my Etsy shop ! Come and see.  Did you have a good weekend?  I certainly hope you did.  

Custom Valentines Pillow

OK, let me just begin with has been a really bad week!  That being said, you will appreciate how happy I was to get home today to find a package from one of my best and dearest friends.  I opened it up (which took forever by the way......lots of mailing tape.....which I think she did to be ornery lol). There were two little tissue wrapped presents.  One was a little funky bird figure with the quote "and she decided to sing her own special tune"which made my heart melt.  My husband was in the room when I opened it and when I showed him the bird and the words.... we agreed that my dear friend knows me too well!  LOL Then I opened the little pillow (above) with the picture of my new little grandbaby Caden on it and I laughed out loud.  I just squealed with delight.  Oh, my little grandbaby Caden.  Oh it is so lovely how she did this pillow.  She's a genius I tell you!  She grabbed this pic off facebook and used it to make t...

Felt Strawberry WITH Chocolate

I tried the Felt Chocolate Covered Strawberry tutorial that I mentioned in my last post and I just could not get my chocolate to look right.  Normally I work on something like this until I get it.  But, tonight I have a cold or a sinus infection or something and I'm not feeling my best so I gave up early.  I gave up on the chocolate dipped felt strawberry and decided to go for the easier plain old strawberry!  We don't need it to be dipped in chocolate anyway.  Just eat Whoppers while you are making it and you will be fine.  I found another tutorial that seems like it would make the strawberry a little more 3 D.   Have a look at it here.    When I am feeling better I will try and conquer the dipped in chocolate look for strawberries!  Have a good night all.  xoxo Lesley

Can I Come Home?

OK, so I ventured off again!  I'm ADD like that.  I'm back!  I have recently decided that I truly AM the Funky Art Queen.  Funky in that I can't stay on any one task for too long of a period!  LOL.....I like making jewelry which is what I have been doing.  But, I have to be able to move freely about the craft world and I figure since I have deemed myself Queen, then I can do that.  Any objections?  LOL It has been a very inspiring week for me.  Almost too much wonderful and creative stimulation to share!  But, of course I have to share...... onelatenight Did you know that Lady Gaga and Polaroid teamed up last year for creative ideas?  Either go to Google and search for Lady Gaga+Polaroid or go to and check it out.  That is if you care anything about Polaroid.  I'm a finnatic actually.  Now, take a look at the picture above.  That is a "Plush" are you familiar with Plushes or Plushies?  I...