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fabric bead jewelry and contest winner

It has taken me so much time this evening to get these pics uploaded. My computer is sooooooo slow. I need to do some maintenance. Anyway, as promised, I conducted the drawing for my 250th blog post. Heather helped me with this. So congratulations Ms. Sabii Wabii! YOu get the 20 dollar gift certificate from Dick Blick. I will be emailing you shortly or longly.....heehee. OK, that being said.....let's get on with the news!
This weekend I created two pieces that I am excited to show you. I made a bunch of fabric beads as per my previous post and turned them into a funky bracelet and a beautiful necklace. So, without further they are making their debut:


Kim Mailhot said…
Wow ! I love the bracelet ! The coils of metal are great with the softer looking fabric beads ! Gorgeous !
Oh congrats Terisa! What a win, Lesley's art is to die for! The colors are so bright and each piece filled with LIFE. I'm jealous, lol! ~Monica
Amber said…
These are really beautiful. You'll need to do a demo on fabric beads for me. They really do have such a WOW effect.
PennyBlue said…
Absolutely LOVE it! How do you get the fabric to stick together, once it's around the skewer?? I gotta know! (:
This could be a cool crafty thing for those art classes I spoke of.
Happy Tuesday!
Nan said…
Hey! That's pretty cool!
Thank you!!!! Can I redeem it for your art or jewelry? I love your stuff! I'll e-mail my snail mail....

Sacred Yoli said…
Beautiful! You should do a demo!

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