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Found Object Jewelry

First of all I have to say a big thanks to all of you who commented about Cody's departure. I feel like printing all that out and sending it in Cody's first letter. He knows how I am about my blog friends. You are all precious to me and you don't know how much it helps to hear your comforting words. I'm doing better. Just kinda antsy to get our first call. I have paper and pen ready by the phone so we can get his address. They are not allowed to give it until they get there. Enough about that!

I have dove into my found object box and started making some found object jewelry. This weekend, I learned how to drill metal, hammer it out if needed and make it have a faux patina. I played for several hours with many pieces like washers, watch parts, and all kinds of things I have found on the ground. Well, most of it I found. My husband finds little treasures for me as do some of my friends. It's funny because when they give me some little metal object they picked up off the ground, it is like receiving the finest gifts. I think it is so thoughtful of them to do this for me. Anywhoooo.......I know I babble. This piece started out with a crown but I could not get it to cooperate with the jump ring or the chain so I had to dethrown this queen. Sorry!

I made this dragonfly soldered charm necklace for my friend Kim. She loves dragonflies and she specifically requested a necklace with a dragonfly! So, I gave it to her yesterday and she said she really liked it. I'm experimenting with doing some new and different things with my soldered charms and when I finish a few pieces, I will share them. Well, must get ready for work...but Happy Hump Day and hope your Creative Juices are flowing! Hugs!


Hey sweetie girl, don't worry about not calling yesterday, you know I will catch up with you later! Love the little dragonfly, so cute! But sorry the queen had to be de-throwned! You know how I feel about queen! HEE HEE!! I started 2 more purses this am. I couldn't sleep so got up & cut out purses, at 5am! Yikes! I know by the end of the day I will certainly fizzle out! Got to go! Love ya hugs***Renea
Amber said…
There are many golden threads that bind mixed media artists being the excitement and joy of finding treasures that others just seem to ignore and walk right by....I don't could you not save that squished bottle cap out of the parking lot, or that scrap of tag, or that old cast away piece of metal.. I mean... really...some people are really missing it! My family, like yours, finds and saves all kinds of glorious treasures for me...saving them from the trash and an unloved life. I get bags of scraps from here and there and it is just so much fun to put all the goodies together. Great art. Recycled Art...And I LOVE your charms and doll...isn't working with metal addictive? If you want to email your regular address, I got some great glass tubes and junk that Dave brought home from work the other day. I'd be happy to share. You might find something you want to add metal danglies to...:D Blessings
Carmen said…
How fun! What is the head made from on the first piece? I love finding good "stuff"! My 5 year old son always has a pocket full of found objects. He has little collections all over the house.

I mentioned to him the other day he should start making things with his little treasures, but to him, they are treasures just as they are! He gets so excited about finding little pieces of plastic, broken golf tees, rusty washers, bottle caps, sea shells and rocks!

Melts my heart. I don't want him to grow up.

I love the necklace you made for your friend. I'm sure she'll cherish it forever!

Have a great day! I can't wait to see what you come up with next!


Kirsten said…
I really like that first piece, the little figure made from found objects. It has such a raw intuitive feel to it.
Janet said…
Your found objects are turning into beautiful little pieces of jewelry. The little "art" guy is just so cute. I'm sure your friend loves her dragonfly's adorable. Keeping busy with art is a great way not to think about other things. I didn't know about your son until I came by today (I'm waaay behind on the blogs!)
PennyBlue said…
The necklace is beautiful! I wish I could do that! (:
Hope you're havin a great Wednesday!
ah, you melt me heart so. Ideas are a blooming ova here.

Thanks for stopping by, love to swap projs with you... you making a jean bag while I try my hand at jewelry. :) Happy day to you, Monica :)

p.s. you can get published, just send it in! the world is waiting.
forcryeye said…
Girl! These are fantastic, you should be really proud of yourself! I did some soldering a while back, and would like to get back in to it...but now I can't find my soldering kit! Jewelry making has always been a passion of mine. I have so many fun little found objects, but I hoard them and never want to use them.
carolyn said…
Hi Lesley~
What a great recycled jewelry piece!
It's so much fun to recycle "junk" into unique pieces of art. I have a small box of old, rusted metal pieces that I gathered because I know someday I'll need to use it in an art project.
How long did it take you to learn to solder? Did you take a class? My plan for summer vacation is to teach myself how to do it.
I can't wait to see what you do with the soldered charms!
Thanks so much for sharing your art ideas!

Carolyn :-)
I love that pendant!
love dragonflies alot!
A little late and behind but here I am!!! reading your news and whereabouts, LOL
P.S I love my pretty lady!!!
you were so sweet with all the goodies!
Jennifer said…
I love your found object work! It is so beautiful. I also appreciate your clutter blog entry. I've been feeling the same way so glad I'm not alone...Ready to clean things out!

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