Well, I'm kind of in a creative funk again. I hate it when this happens! I'm so glad that next weekend I am going to Fredricksberg, TX again to the trade days. I know it will inspire me in all kinds of directions. Meanwhile, while I am trying to get my groove back........I have been making a lot of little short term projects in the paper department. I made this little posey pin from faux vintage post/letters etc papers from the scrapbooking department. I actually wore it yesterday on my jacket.

Then I spotted this book on Fabric Flowers by Elizabeth Helene Searle at the fabric store and I had to get it. I used her instructions to make this first fabric flower. I want to try several of her other flowers instructions. Now, what will I do with them? Who knows? Does it really matter if I am enjoying myself? Probably everyone will get fabric or paper flowers for Christmas! Heehee
Have a great day.
You could add your flowers to your xmas packages ? Snazzy wrapping is always fun !
Hang in there, our Majesty !
I have used some of my flowers for embellishments on handbags, art quilts, brooches and Nichos.
Possibilities are endless!
I hope your funk doesn't last too long. I'm kinda in one now too.
I'll pray for a speedy recovery from the funk.... believe me: I know exactly where you're comin from! It happens to me regularly. You just have to ride it out. Usually I use it as an opportunity to take a break and do someintg different: lunch with the girls (margarita's anyone?) or a shopping excursion (my husbands not a big fan of that!)
:c )
Lovely flower!! Do you protect the paper somehow?
It's weird - seems like most blog writers I visit right now are in a bit of a funk, including me I guess! What's going on? Is it universal? I'm always creative! Well, still am, but I have this feeling I don't get things DONE. Argh.
♥ visit me at www.afiori.com ♥