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More Etsy Stuff

Yesterday, I noticed I had about 10 new people who "hearted" me on Etsy. That has never happened in one day. I also sold the "Red Poppies" piece. So, I concluded that something must have happened. I must have been on front page or in the treasury. I contacted some of the people who hearted me and none of them could recall exactly what led them to my etsy. Durn! One person said she saw me in the same treasury she was in but I could not find whatever treasury list that was.

I started researching to see if I could do a search to see if I was in the treasury. After doing much looking, searching and research on the Etsy Forums, I have found that the only way you can know if you are on the treasury lists is if while you are checking out the list you see a gold star next to the title of each treasury list. I looked and looked but never saw a gold star. Maybe the list I was on (if I was on one) expired. That is another thing.....I can't ever get on etsy when the treasury lists are not full. I want to create a list! I did manage to create a couple of lists several months ago. So.....what is the secret? What time of morning do you have to get up to be in line to create a list?

I'm thinking if I can ever create a list, I'm going to promote my blog friends. What would be a cute title for that etsy list? Apparently, that is a good way to promote yourself. I sold something and got 10 new hearts in one day. Wow. I did not even think of that. I would like to ask my blog friends to help me figure out how to get a list on the treasury. Then, we need to commit to listing each other on the treasury list. Maybe we could title the list "Me and My Blog Buddies" or something like that? Please comment and join in on this marketing opportunity. I will keep a list of anyone who comments that they are interested in this so that if I ever get a list....I will post something of yours on etsy.


Carmen said…
Congrats on the hearts and sale!!! Woohoo!
noodle and lou said…
Oh my gosh...when I first started on etsy I was a Treasury ADDICT! I would check it all the time and try and calculate when enough lists would expire to hit that magic number 332!! If you ever check it and it's close...just keep your screen on the bottom of the treasury page list...don't hit the refresh button...a box will pop up when the lists hit 332 and you will be able to type in your title. It feels like you won the lottery when that sucker pops up!!

Treasuries help SO much when you are making a name for yourself on etsy!!! Here's a couple links for you if you don't already have them.

Treasury West:
Not as many people look at this...but when I just went to get the link there were 113 people on there! And it's way easier to get a list there:)

Practice board:

Good luck and have a fun weekend!! xoxo...jenn
Susan said…
Definitely congrats on the hearts and sale. I am so new to Etsy that I don't get much traffic. I did see my views jump up suddenly and realized that one of my pieces was on the recently listed section for about 30 seconds. That was fun. I'll gladly help with whatever you decide to go with, just let us know. Hugs.
Howdy girlfriend from North Carolina!!! Went to Washington DC the last 2 days, & WOW what an amazing place & insane traffic!!! Austin doesn't hold a candle to DC traffic! I don't know what the treasure list is, but would like to know more about it!!! So include me in the list!!! And I think I have you in my heart list on etsy! Love ya, hope to see ya Monday or Tuesday! Hugs***Renea
Anonymous said…
Hi I'm totally new on Etsy StudioMo is my site. I'm a stay at home mom and I love to make everything. I Googled how to sell on etsy and you popped up so here I am. I don't even know what a list is but it sounds like I better find out because I really want my store to be succesful. Congratulations on your sale and your hearts. I love checking my hearts. It's all pretty exciting for me right now! Bye Melissa.

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