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Clutter and Tears

It is a weird title huh? Let me explain. I have not blogged in a several days because I have been feeling blah! I kinda lost my mojo. I get this way every now and then and I think lots of people do. I have been struggling with the idea that my son will be leaving for boot camp tomorrow. Most of you know that he joined the Air Force and though this is what we wanted for him and we are very excited, we will miss him terribly. I have had a few teary moments but I think I'm done with that. Ha! I say that, he has not left yet. The other morning, I was washing dishes and it occurred to me that he will probably never live in Big Spring again. Duh, there are no airforce bases here. We used to have Webb Air force base but that closed in the 70's. I think the closest one is in Abilene. But, knowing Cody and his high aspirations, he will want to go some place exotic and far away. So that made me sad. But, at the same time....More Power To Him! Live your dreams little birdie and FLY.... but don't forget your Mom and Dad! That is the tears part of the title.
Now for the clutter part. Lately, I have been overwhelmed with clutter! Clutter in my house, clutter in my work car, clutter in my purse, clutter, clutter, clutter. There is even clutter in my brain and my calender is how you say it? "CLUTTERED"! I just need to do some major spring cleaning and dejunking. I feel like I'm constantly coming in my front door with more stuff and out the backdoor to the trashcan with discarded stuff! It is a vicious cycle. So, I think I will take a little time today to make a list and prioritize and start knocking out some of this clutter! So, wish me luck with OPERATION DE CLUTTERING!


Anonymous said…
You can cry all you don't need permission. Cody is so courageous and I am thankful for his bravery in honor of this country. I'm sure in time this chapter of your life will also be an inspiration for your art. You and your family will be in my prayers. Hang in there, girl! God bless! Michelle
Hey sweetie girl, it's okay to cry when Cody leaves. I cried like a baby when Corey left. But he will always want to come home & visit his MOM & DAD. He will be so happy to see yall after he finishes boot camp. Talk to you tomorrow. PS==I started on my project & have done okay, but got a little frustrated. Been to long since I have sewn anything. Will probably finish this one tomorrow. Then I want to start another smaller one. HEE HEE! Talk to you tomorrow. Love ya, Renea
M said…
oh, dear soul. you are SO not alone in this...

part of it is the seasonal, spring "clean up the nest" thing, but some of it is the artist dilemma! you need materials to create -- but you cannot keep bringing things in without taking things out -- so front door/back door is a reality for everyone who has a studio or a work space devoted to creation.

having just spent the weekend de-cluttering, i am sympathetic. it's necessary now and then to step back, and do what you are about to do. it will re-energize you, and clear your vision for New Creations!

hugs of understanding about cody's departure...for now, we'll just surround him with Protection and Safety, knowing he will come home again and again...
Kim Mailhot said…
Hey Queen,
I know the feeling about the clutter. I took time last week and dove into cleaning up the studio. I was ruthless and got rid of two huge garbarge bags of things I was holding onto "just in case". I actually can find things when I want them now. Something about spring I think. The need to shed old skin and try the new one on for size. Good luck with the declutter ! It feels so great when it is done !
Take care, Kim
First I want to say how proud I am that your son decided to join the Air Force. Coming from a long line of military involvement I wanted to note that nothing beats the closeness of a military family. Friends and family of soldiers are for LIFE, connections run STRONG, lives are literally connected in a very profound way, nothing is taken for granted...your son will be surrounded by LOVE and people with strength and courage, ALL feeling the ultimate core is family. Yes, sure the military becomes a second family (or first, however you want to look at it) but I know that NOTHING beats a Man/Woman who puts OUR country first- priorities will be made...putting you & his dad at the very top of the list. TRUST ME. The moving factor is awesome and sometimes he will be in a place that is secluded but he'll always have someone to watch his back that's for sure. Make sure you write those letters while he is in training. My sister went Air Force, those letters helped her get through the next few weeks of shock (from being thrown in the mix and put to extensive training)..the end result creating a SOLDIER. I know how proud you & his dad must be, I'm waaaay over here, having never met your son and feel the utmost respect for his decision. Tell him I said THANK YOU. ~Monica
Carmen said…
I can relate to almost everything in your blog today. I was in Cody's shoes about 12 years ago. I left for Marine Corps boot camp and I know my mom had bittersweet feelings about me leaving. Can I send a big cyber hug your way? Please tell Cody I said thank you for the journey he's embarking on for all of us.

As to the decluttering, I just never seem to win that battle. I wish I could figure out what it's like to actually be organized! I did manage to clean out my closet this weekend and that was a major burden lifted! Best of luck with OPERATION DE CLUTTERING!

Feel better soon!!!


forcryeye said…
First of all, I am so proud of your son, and I am proud of you for encouraging him to fly! As for the clutter, I believe it is an epidemic! It is everywhere. I can't breathe, think or do anything because it is taking over my house, mind and creativity! URGH!
Amber said…
Isn't that one of the hardest things of being a good mom...Knowing that they are good to fly on to their lives: and that we have done a good job. and watching them go (dang..we DID do a good job). To be a good mom, we are working our way out of having that job.... you know. I feel your tears, and I send you love. He'll always be your baby. And tell him how much we appreciate and respect his decision. Such a brave and corageous man... I know you are proud. I'll keep him (and you) in my prayers. Blessings

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