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250 Posts and Metal Art

THIS IS MY 250TH POST!!!! I started this blog in January of 2006. It is hard to believe that I have posted 250 times. How could I possibly have that much to say? I have to say that this blog has been such a wonderful experience for me. It has been my outlet for venting, my place to share, my place to make new friends, and a place to explore my thirst for new and creative ideas. I have developed some awsome friendships through my blog and seriously, I don't know how I would have made it through the last 2 years without them and their support. We are so blessed to have this avenue of finding those with common interests. I just can't say enough about it.

That being said, I want to celebrate this moment (250 posts) by sponsoring a give away. I'm going to give one (random drawing) person a 20.00 gift certificate from Dick Blick art supplies. In order to participate you must;

  1. Post a comment here about one of my 2006 blog entries. You can find them by searching the dated posts on the side bar.
  2. Post a link to my blog on your site.

Now, let me tell you what I have been up to. I have been experimenting with metal and found objects to make jewelry. You would not think that this would be so difficult right? But, I have been learning so much about working with metals. It is amazing how what works with copper does not necessarily work with tin or brass or steel. It is nice to have a new media to work with. This is a found object bracelet I finished today. I think it is so cool that you can recycle metal objects to create something like this.


Joy Logan said…
Cute funky blog,HI nice to find you.
250! I'm still workin toward 100! Love the jewelry.
Susan said…
Wow, 250! Congrats. Since I am getting ready to work on contact paper transfers, I will reference your April 2006 post on tape transfers, and you know I will link you in by blog. I think you are super talented. Keep up the good work! Hugs. Susan
Carmen said…
Congrats on 250 blog entries!!! That's quite an accomplishment.

Love the bracelet!
forcryeye said…
Your jewelry is so divine...I am so proud!
Anonymous said…
Lesley, I love to see your latest and greatest creations with found objects especially designed in your jewelry and wearables! I have found out LOADS of information from your blog and always feel inspired when I visit. Thanks for being such a good teacher and also for keeping your personality and life "real." Woman need to support each other with our talents and encourage when we find others in situations we have found ourselves in before. Encouragement means so much to so many. Please continue to encourage, inspire and create! God bless! Michelle
Anonymous said…
Happy 250th post! Thank you for being such an inspiration. :-)
forcryeye said…
It was fun to go back and read some of your old posts. I loved the one of your Grandma (you know I was really close to mine), and the picture of her back when...too cute! The altered train cases and purses were really cool, I have been expiramenting with this myself...haven't gotten to where I am willing to share them yet. I already have a link to you on my site...happy 250th.
Heather said…
Greetings from across the Red River! Your bracelet looks awesome, I love the keys! Congrats on #250!
Okay sweetie girl, I am screaming over here, you can probably hear me. I LOVE this bracelet, and you know that my B-Day is coming, hint hint! Also have a large plastic bag full of jewlry stuff for you! It has all kinds of neat stuff that you will love to work with. Keep up the great work. And I truely love the piece. Hugs***Renea
M said…
Wow, Lesley! Wow, wow....

Looking forward to the next 250!

Anonymous said…
I love this! You did a good job! I love how you can see jewelry out of something that no one else can see. Beautiful! Love & miss u! Rhea
carolyn said…
Hi Lesley~
Congrats on your 250th post! Although I recently "met" you I find you to be so inspiring and a very giving artist.
Perusing through your 2006 posts, the December 29, 2006 really struck me because it was the "Ode to Klimt" tree that you did and I had my 5th graders do a mixed media version of the Tree of Life using gold paint and magazine images of animals to represent life and of course some sequins to add sparkle!
I hoe you continue to create your found object certainly have a knack for it!

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