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Exploring Ideas to be succe$$ful on Etsy

Tonight, let's just get out of our boxes and put our thinking caps on about unique ways to market our Etsy shops. To do that, I will share about my experiences and hopefully you will tell me yours so we can crack the etsy code to success. How I market my Etsy right now in two easy steps.
  1. I list on Etsy
  2. I wait

Heehee. But really this is a very passive type of marketing your product. For instance, I listed something pretty early this a.m. Less than thirty minutes later it was on page 3 of art products listed in that time period. So, the liklihood of someone actually having the patience to look at page 156 of the "art" category are slim to none.

  • TAG IT: A more active an(narrowing) approach would be to use tags for those people that are searching for something specific. Is it a cat? Then use "cat" as a tag that way people looking for cat pictures can pull this up to sift through all the other 12,000 art listings and get to you. You can tag, tag tag to be specific and narrow the searchs.
  • ETSY SUCCESS NEWSLETTER: I just discovered today that there is actually a newsletter that we might need to be reading. Go to the link on this bullet and sign up. It's worth a try.
  • BLOG IT: My friend Renea learned this and shared it with me. I guess I am too humble sometimes....but the truth is, I sold something last week just because someone found it on my blog. Share it on your blog girlfriend!
  • Scratch It: You scratch their back they will scratch yours: I'm not the best at this, but I learn as I go. If you don't share with others by commenting on their blogs they won't share by commenting on your blog and they won't come back. Be sincere in your comments. Put links to your favorite artists on your blog. They will likely do the same for you.
  • Business Card It: I have business cards with my blog address on them. I still wonder if putting my etsy address on them would help? I just hate the addresses they give you like lesleyfunkyart53493092-01-105u65u3 (OK, I'm exagerating) but they don't look all that cool. But I would like more input on this topic.
  • UNIQUE IT: Try unique ways to get the word out about your work. Pretend that your business is a real brick and mortar shop. How would you market that? If your market is the crowd that likes "vintage" then maybe you should put something in an antique shop? Maybe I should put my cards in a tattoo shop or a beauty salon? I am not sure about this.....input here would also be good.
  • Out of the box marketing Challenge: For this week, I challenge each of you to come up with a unique marketing idea that we can all use to market our ETSY Shop. I would love to hear your responses.

I posted some new items on My Etsy Shop today. Please take a moment to go and look and pass it on to your blog friends that we discussing Etsy Success this week at the Funky Art Queen's Blog. Hugs and Success to All.


Okay went to your etsy shop, is it my imagination or did you lower the price of the wooden spools? I thought they were 9.99? Why did you lower? Okay trying to think of something unique for etsy marketing. After all that is what we do for a living (marketing) so we should be able to come up with something???? LOL! See you tomorrow! xoxoxRenea
M said…
hey lesley. great idea to share etsy info.

FYI: your etsy address is your user name at etsy, so even if what you see on the screen doesn't look like this, trust me, it will get everyone there:

with, or without, the http://

whichever you prefer.

i use


try it, you'll like it!

i think it's important to use it and to put it on everything! i'm in hiatus right now, gathering everything under one roof, but i think that marketing the shop is really important and that brainstorming ways to do that is a great idea.

you're a born teacher, sweetie. and we can all learn SO much from one another. i'm in! and when i start up again, i'll share what i (re)learn. oxoxo
PennyBlue said…
Yes, it's twu! Just have on your card The Funky Art Queen and then below just do
As for treating it like a brick and mortar place, YOu are so right. Unfortunately I have been a little lazy in that area. Been meaning to put cards around town, mini flyers, etc. and even try to get some pieces up....but life seems to get in the way.
I also heard of someone placing their cards in library books they check out, as if they were accidently left there.
MY big question is the best times and days to list. THAT I find baffling. Thanks again for exploring this topic.

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