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Tokens of Kindness!

I found the coooooolest thing today! Maybe you have already seen this wonderful idea? I found these at a little shop in Midland, Texas. It is a coin like token that you can pass on to someone else with an act of kindness. The other side has a tracking number so you can track where it goes. ..assuming the person you give it to will also log it in and pass it on and so forth.

It says "follow it's trail" on the back with that number. Mine is AAL449. Then you go to the Kindness Project web site and keep track of where your token ends up. It is just a good cause and I love it.

Read about how this all began in Austin, Texas. You can also buy these tokens on that site. WOW!!! Mine is burning a hole in my pocket. I can't wait to give it away.


Michelle said…
Lesley, What a great idea! I'll have to check that out...I love stuff like that. I'm sure already know about this but at Anita Goudeau's store in Midland she has the little silver tokens in the little blue drawstring bags...she has many (crosses, hearts and all with different meanings to pass it along.) They are very affordable...$5.00 I think and make great gifts. Thanks for letting us know about these tokens as well! Hugs, Michelle
Jo Anne O. said…
Hey Lesley...if you are looking for someone to pass it on, my hand is up! I have a friend in New Zealand who would love to be next in line after me!
Oh Les, this is soooooo you!!! I love it! Saw where you will hold another art class...way to go funky girl! Hugs***Renea
Sacred Yoli said…
That is waaaaaaaaay too cool! ::runs to check out website::

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