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Swimming Upstream

Do you ever feel like you are swimming upstream...struggling against the water that is moving against you instead of with you? I heard something about this concept on a podcast today (swimming upstream) and this stimulated some thought about how I often feel I am going against the natural grain....swimming upstream instead of going with the flow. Do you understand what I am saying?
Sometimes, we are trying so hard to get to a certain goal that we do not see the great things that are lying at our feet. I'm just experiencing an "ah ha moment" in my life. I am starting to figure out that I just need to live in the present and appeciate the opportunities I have now. I'm sorry if this blog seems cryptic or vague. I really just want to say to you to look at what you have now. Are you swimming upstream? Maybe you need to go with the flow.....downstream......I'm going to try to go with the flow this week.


Anonymous said…
Oh, Les, don't you know that you going upstream all the time is the mother of your creative art. You have always been an individual, but always had trouble realizing that your uniqueness is what causes you to be such a wonderful person. Love ya Loads MOM
Kim Mailhot said…
Living in the moment and appreciating what I have right now is what has saved my life. I mean it sincerely. Doing the swimming up stream thing was kind of killing me slowly, and certainly meant that I was missing out on the living part, by focusing so much on that battle to get "up"...
I hope this "ah ha moment" brings you to a good and flowing place, beautiful, talented Lady !
Jack said…
Cool insight. Best of luck to you. (And it seems like you have a pretty great, supportive mom, which always helps.)

For some more inspiration, check out, where all sorts of people from all over the country share the stories of their "aha moments" that helped them change their own lives. I think you'll find it interesting.

All the best,
deb did it said…
flow, Baby, flow....roll with it. get a peaceful easy feeling....chill out...ALLOW...receive, and BE. just be.
Mechelle said…
Lesly I feel like you are inside of my mind. We creatives are innovative we think differently. Sometimes we do need to go downstream but other times we need to be unique in our God given abilities.

Chat with you later!
Susan said…
At the risk of sound flippant, I would like to add to Deb's list and remind you "don't sweat the small stuff". I know it's not that easy. Reflection is the key to making changes that will help you hop on a slow moving raft and relax when you need to. Take care and know we are here if you need to vent. Susan
I get this absolutely. Yesterday hubby and I took 2-year-old grandson on a popular hiking trail. Baby is slow so we dawdled. As a result we looked at the bark on the trees and the moss on the rocks. Others were rushing past to finish the trail. What a pity.

It's good to ponder and reflect. Fall seems to be a good time to do that, too.

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