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I'm already missing my blog and blog friends, what was I thinking? Don't know! I'm just meant to blog I think. What is wrong with me~!??? I just think I'm going through this whole, "I suck" thing since my book was rejected....pity party....etc. and that is so not me. But, on a positive note, it has caused me to look closer at where I'm going with my creative life. I'm becoming more and more aware that life is about the journey and not the destination. Oh, I have heard that all my life but I'm finally getting it. My greatest joy comes from the creative process, talking about creating, and listening/seeing/reading about those who live the creative life.

Today, I heard the best podcast on Craftsanity #39 about Laurie Bee ( a purse designer in Seattle). She talked about how in the beginning she loved so many crafts but she knew that she would have to narrow down to one subject or thing to be successful. Anyway, if you get a chance to listen to it, you can find it here.....she is so business savvy and so fun to listen to her story. What is especially cool is that I just happen to be going to Seattle next week to celebrate my 25th wedding anniversary. Hubby and I just always wanted to go I'm definitely going to find her shop.

I just have to share my art journey. I'm missing you all ......this has become a way of life for me.

I'm really digging fabric art/fiber art right now and I am exploring that further. I don't know if Fabric art/Fiber Art is going to be the "one thing" but I know I'm enjoying it right now and that is part of the "journey". So, keep tuned in, and enjoy this crazy ride with me. Love you all.....can I delete my last post due to embarrassment....or just keep it real? XOXO


rxBambi said…
Well I for one am glad you decided to come back!!!
Now, we need to think of a fun thing to do for the first tuesday in october. Since you are the artist I'll let you brain-storm and get back to me :)
Lenae May said…
We all wander through that valley from time to time, Lesley. It's when in the valley I look harder at many things. It's not a bad thing...your fabric art is fun! Wonderful color!
Michelle (txstitcher) said…
Lesley, You aren't allowed to stop blogging! I, for one, enjoy visiting your blog and getting the scoop. I feel like I'm "in the know" after I've read your blog because you always know about the newest projects going on in mixed media art. Keep at it, Girl! We wouldn't know what to do without you! Hang in there...this too shall pass. It all works out...eventually! Hugs, Michelle
Deb said…
Yahoo! Welcome back! I'm a new follower and would have missed you.
Your post reminds me of an incident I had where I was so mad at God for how my life was turning out that I decided he couldn't possibly exist. After about 6 months of 'separation' I realized I really missed our relationship! I told Him so and I swear I heard a voice in my head say, "Welcome home"! Ha!
Hey girlie, so glad you changed your mind. I love reading your blog. When are you going on your trip? Hope you have a great time. Hope to see you soon. Love you! Hugs & Kisses! Renea
Oh I'm SO glad you've decided to stay! Definitely don't delete that last post because it's an important party of your personal journey and your story. It's okay to change your mind and what a wonderful lesson you've just had in that fact!

If you don't know that work of Jill Badonsky, I highly recommend her. Her book The Nine Modern Day Muses and a Bodyguard is something I suggest.

And, by the way, she was sorry to have had a publisher for that book and when she got the rights back she self-published it afterward. Her newest book, The Awe-Manac, she self-published and much prefers working independently that way.
Perhaps there was a message in the "rejection". God always answers our prayers, but sometimes she says no because there is something else better in the wings.
PS. I'm waiting for another ten tiny things challenge!
Susan said…
So glad you missed blogging. Remember that just because you don't get "X amount" of comments, doesn't mean people aren't reading. That's what is so frustrating for me. I seem to want to let the number of comments I receive reflect the success of my blog. It doesn't really, so hang in there. I'm digging your fiber art. For me, I can't have just "one thing", and I have realized that going from one kind of project to another works well for me. Take your time and enjoy your journey. Susan
FAQ said…
You are all just GREATNESS!! and so wise. I'm glad to be surrounded by such wise and loving and supportive women. I'm blessed. :)
Kim Mailhot said…
Real is best ! Yay ! I am so glad you changed your mind - a woman's perogative, right ? We are all in this journey together and it is so great to have creative, explorer woman like you along for the ride !
Welcome home and happy creating !
(I am off to Squam tomorrow am - I think my packing is done. Now if only I could get some sleep before I go...Talk to you next week.)
deb did it said…
KEEP IT REAL SISTA!! Don't you dare put your head in the sand....STAY AND PLAY! Keep your pretty chin up high! Blogging can be a wonderful networking, sound-boarding, comforting place to be....~STAY, JUST A LITTLE WHILE LONGER~ Jackson Browne...we love ya, and always want MORE!
Rhea Calvert said…
LONG LIVE THE FUNKY ART QUEEN (BLOG)!!!!!!! Good to see you back to doing this again! Over the last 4 years I have seen this blog bring you so much joy and also allows you a discussion forum with other creative people (me excluded, I'm just a fan), so I for one am so happy to see you not give this blog up. Love you to pieces!
Sashi said…
I'm glad you are back, too! After all, your blog was one that inspired me to get creative again after a long slump. :) I know I don't comment all that often but I am always reading, admiring, and loving what you say and do.

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