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To thine own self...

"To thine own self be true". I don't know why, but sayings like this stay in my mind....I have so many sayings and quotes stuck in my head . But sometimes, I don't even understand the phrases or quotes or prose that is stuck in my head. It just gets in there and then.....sometimes.....every now and then, I get it. I understand or at least, I come to some understanding that is right for me.
This one.....("To thine Own Self Be True") is a quote from Hamlet/Shakespeare. After doing some research, I discovered that my understanding for this phrase is not exactly what was meant in the famous prose. See more about that here.
My interpretation of this phrase is that I need to remain true to myself. It reminds me not to get distracted so easily in my art interests or anything else for that matter. It reminds me that I love bright colors and messing with glue and as many mediums as possible to create a wonderful and funky piece of art. Being true to myself reminds me that just because I can make something that someone else has created does not mean I will enjoy making it. Do you get what I'm trying to say?
So, since that has been running around in my mind with all the other crazy things that run around in there......I was inspired to create this mixed media piece. This is more of what I love and the message is clear.....TRUTH. Oh, and I have to mention that this is an encaustic piece. I used beeswax on the collage pieces and the last layer of the entire piece.


Kim Mailhot said…
There is such a balance between creating your own unique piece and being inspired but the work of others. Then you add in the factor of making stuff that your audience or buyer might like if you want to actualy sell a piece. All a balancing act !!! And like your quote says, if you keep true to your integrity and your truth, then it is all okay. Stray from that and face some harder music... I so get it...

Good words to share this morning your Majesty !
Happy Sunday !
me2 said…
I love this art interpreting your quote. I too, carry these things in my brain. Usually they are lyrics from a song. Song lyrics are what usually inspire my artwork. Love the color.
Lisa said…
hey les, i think this is the time of year to think about things...not that we don't do it other times of the year... you are true to yourself and i love you for it. can't wait to see you this week and celebrate your birthday (12/11)early! happy birthday to ya lisa
Carmen said…
I can soooo relate to this. I love the color you used in this piece and I love that you used wax! Yum!

Keep on with your funkiness!

Kim Mailhot said…
Yay Lesley ! You won the 100th Post Prize at Queen of Arts ! Check it out !

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