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Nubian Queen Lola's Cajun Kitchen

OK, I know.....I promised some Christmas decor photos but this is much more interesting. So....hubby calls me into the living room this evening to see something on television.....(he always does that and I'm always slightly bothered but glad when I see what it is he wants to show me on tv). He was watching "Texas Country Reporter" which is a wonderful little show that comes on every weekend. It is a kind of documentary by of unique individuals and places in Texas.
One of the stories tonight, was about a lady named Lola Stephens who has a little cajun kitchen in Austin, Texas called "Nubian Queen".

SO might say. But her story is so awesome. She is truly a one woman show. She is the cook, the waitress, the cashier, and the dishwasher at her little kitchen. But that is not the most impressive part of her story. While she is serving her patrons at the front door, she is feeding the homeless out the back door of her restaurant. She even closes on Sunday....."to feed the homeless". She is such a humble but strong woman! She is a firm believer in Luke 6:38 which reads, "Give and it will be given to you." Here is a video of her talking that will give you more of an idea about what kind of woman she is.

I don't know, I can't possibly tell it in a way that would move you the way the Texas Country Reporter story moved me. But, you might take a look at the links provided. I think she is a modern day saint like Mother Teresa who says....."We can do no great things.....only small things with great love".


I love the Tx Country Reporter but missed this one. I love your little birdie in the last post. So cute. Love ya, Renea
Kim Mailhot said…
This is a beautiful story ! What an inspirational woman ! Thanks so much for sharing it with us !
Anonymous said…
Wow, what an amazing woman. I will visit Austin and eat at Lola's one woman diner. May God continue to bless you.
What's next said…
I saw this also and just couldn't get over her Christian service! Made me feel like I don't do near enough!

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