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Handbag Contest

OK, I have a lot to say but I will try to be brief. I feel like I'm too wordy sometimes. Brief and to the point:
  1. First email this morning was from a lady that noticed my magazine handbag and she thought I might be interested in this Bags To Riches call for art. It is a purse designing contest that benefits a fundraiser for the homeless. I love fundraisers for great causes and I like to design purses. I'm already on it. Here is a link to that call for art. Hey, it's a prize for 1000.00 dollars for Grand Prize. Wouldn't that be great?
  2. I have a total of eight participants in the art supply swap. Thanks to everyone who participated. I'm looking forward to photos of the packages you receive. It would be awsome to share your photos with me so can post them on this blog. Remember that Feb 14th is the deadline to mail your packages. FUN!!! I'm trying to fru fru mine up a bit because I say Renea's package that is going to "Girl Gone Thread Wild". Mine needs some Fru Fru and that's all I'm saying.
  3. I got the Artful Blogging magazine today and I'm in heaven. Wow. It is so much eye candy and insightful words. You gotta get it.
  4. I received the best Valentine today from Renea. It is beautiful and I will pose it for a nice photo-perhaps tomorrow.


Carolyn said…
Leslie, I totally know what you mean regarding getting overwhlemed when looking at mags like artful blogging... I get this way on flickr and blog surfing too! I have to force myself to take a day off to let my brain process it all!
I love that word "fru fru"
P.S regarding the purses:
go for it!

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