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Frida Kahlo Altered Skirt

Here it is...the moment you have all (and when I say all I mean all 3 of you-heehee) been waiting for. The Frida skirt is making her debut right here.

This of course is the front of the skirt. I finally finished it this morning. See, it pays to get up early. I always get so much done in the morning when everyone else is still in bed. First, I get the dogs out, start the coffee, let the dogs in, sip my coffee and I start eye balling all my projects to decide which one I feel like working on. I had already determined that I would get this skirt done this weekend. I also plan to finish Heather's purse and my little placemat project. Oh, and my friend, Renea, said she would not mind getting one of my funky purses for her birthday in July so I better start that project. So, it looks like it will be a fabric art type of weekend. Things could change though! ( I like to add that clause in case my interests change as they so often do.

Here is the back and a close up of the Frida Kahlo skirt;

NOw I have to brag about my husband. He got me the best present ever for Christmas this year. He got me a satelite radio with serius. I love listening to it so much on my way to work and home every day. I have many favorite stations but my all time favorite is the Martha Stewart Station. I listen to "Whatever with Alexis and Jennifer"every afternoon from 4-6pm. Then in the morning there is always some cooking, craft, gardening, etc show that I just enjoy so much. So, long story short, I thought it would be cool to have some kind of way to listen to the satellite radio in the house. I assigned my husband to figure that out yesterday via telephone and before I even got home, he was calling me to tell me he bought this little unit I could plug in my satellite radio to inside. So, I have been listening to 80's Station and Martha all morning while arting away. OH, I'm a spoiled brat...huh?


Stacey said…
Woah I love the Frida skirt! I would SOOOO wear this thing everywhere! Talent talent talent here.

May need to request a radio of my own, huh? I didn't know you could listen to all that crafting stuff on the radio--I love Coast to Coast am, but it comes on soooooo late I fall asleep before the first hour is over.

How about Codemeister, the Codinator, CodeRed, CodyBody, Codemandalyn...sometimes you gotta mix it up just a little, lol...but yeah, Codeman is the most widely used.
Anonymous said…
Frida skirt looks great! Can't wait to see you wearing it! Kudos to Craig for getting you set in the radio depart! Love you!
Stacey said…
Ohh sounds like my kind of ride! Two weeks is just about an hour away, I don't envy you girly. No siree not for a minute. xoxo

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