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Roll the Press!

Woohoo! Here we go! I got my Kelsey Excelsior 5x8 Type O Vintage Tabletop Printing press off ebay last week and it arrived.  I still have to get new rollers but I found several dealers on ebay and Etsy so that does not appear to be a problem.  I think this old art form appeals to my love for Typography.  Or, it just appeals to my obsession with creating and cracking a new code.  I get bored easy-Attention Deficit Disorder maybe?  Anyway, I'm so pumped about this!!!! Slow down there Cowgirl!  There is a huge learning curve I will have to tackle.  Don't worry, I will document as much as I can in case any other crazy newbies like me come along.  I'm going to keep my journal on this blog and they will all be tagged "Kesley 5x8" so you can filter through all my other rants to get to the meat of the matter! Also, in the future, I will refer to my printing press as "Kelsey" so don't think I'm talking about someone! LOL
Here is a list of links that I have found to be very helpful in my research about operating Kelsey.  
So much about the history and anything you could want to learn about your Kelsey Printing press.  This guy knows his stuff.
BoxCar press: Letterpress supplies and letterpress work.  They also make plates that you can use of your own art and some kind of boxcar base that will fit your printing press.  Still have not figured all that out yet.  
Ladies of Letterpress: A major support group! Loaded with information-you just have to see it for yourself.

Ok, I'm sure there are tons of resources out there for us that are new to the art of letterpress.  So if you are reading this and know of something, please share!  Meanwhile, I have to go and cook some supper.  I have lots of questions and my brain is in overload!  


Hi Lesley!

Thanks for checking out my page... for the rollers I would contact Ramco Rollers in California... so far, they have been really good! I also have a 5x8 Kelsey. Just let me know whenever you have questions!! Ps. Also, join the letpress community and Ladies of Letterpress!
FAQ said…
Dear Inkprint Letterpress and Susan-HELP!!! I need a letterpress friend! I read and read every blog and tutorial but it seems everyone leaves out essential information. I'm not interested in using the wood/metal stamps just yet-it sounds so complicated-I might like to attend some classes later. My goal for this year is to simply make a Christmas card to send out to friends and family. I want to use photopolymer technique and Boxcar company-I think I"m supposed to order a base? Then I don't understand if I need some Tympans and furniture? I just need a friend to help me! I'm overwhelmed! Sounds so pitiful huh?

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