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This is Not Goodbye Just See You Later....

Hey everyone, I'm sorry I have not blogged in a while. I know I told you my Dad was ill....and sure enough we lost him on November 18th. Everything has been a whirlwind since then and I just kind of felt like I should not blog....I don't know why. Anyway, no more suffering for him. It is very hard to imagine he is no longer on this earth with us. But, we (the three sisters) just keep pushing along and doing what we must do to help each other make it through this grief. Now, enough about that. But I did want to share that with you.

Life really is a roller coaster isn't it? My son came home for the Thanksgiving holidays from Keesler Airforce base and he brought his precious girlfriend. Before we knew what was going on, we were having a little wedding at the courthouse. They clearly love and adore each other. They wanted to get married before Cody leaves for Afganistan in Feb next year. We love Patsy and I just have to tell all my art friends that she too is an artist...a creative being and she can cook like nobody's business! I hope my son keeps working out! LOL

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year From the Chandlers!


Diva Kreszl said…
My deepest sympathies to you and your family on the loss of your beloved Dad. Sending prayers to your son and his new bride!!!
rxBambi said…
I'm so glad you're back. I'm sorry about your dad. It's so hard losing a parent.
Please congratulate your son, as well as tell him 'thank you thank you' from me.
Susan said…
My condolences and congratulations, both are offered to you for the changes in your life. Know that I am thinking of you. Take care and hang in there. Susan
Poetic Artist said…
I am sorry for your loss of your Dad. I hope you will get through the grief to replace it with happy memories. My prayers are with you.
Yet Congrats for your son and new bride.
Kim Mailhot said…
Oh Lesley, I am so sorry about your Dad. I am so glad that you three sisters have one another to go through this mourning time. Isn't it amazing how in the midst of the hardest times, there is always something for us to hold on to and to keep us afloat ?
Funny to be saying "Congratulations!" to you in the same note, but is is wonderful that your son has found love and has brought his sweet girl into your family just when you needed some new focus.
I hope that you have some sweet moments of peace and tenderness that sooth your soul during the holidays.
Much love !
Deb said…
Good to see you back Leslie. Your life has been very full indeed. I pray your heart will continue to heal from the loss of your dad. So glad you could spend time with him before he left. The joy of your son's marriage is such a blessing at this time. The young couple look so happy. The sepia toned portrait of your family is nice too. Holiday blessings with lots of peace for you.
Oh honey you know I love you. So sorry about your Dad. You know God always takes care of us, just look at it this way, God needed your Dad and He sent you a new member for your family, Patsy! Love each other. Talk soon. Renea
PS--love your photos!
deb did it said…
this photograph is so beautiful. I am so sorry for the passing of your father.....may he slumber in peace

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