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iPod Ecstasy

I finally bought my first ipod! For several years I have wanted one. I just could not bring myself to spend over $200.00 on one (for me that is). Both of the kids and the hubby had one though. (Hello, my name is Lesley Chandler and I am a poor abused/neglected mother and wife...LOL).

I have known about podcasts for some time now and always thought that if I ever get myself an iPod that I would love podcasts....TRUE THAT!!!
Oh, first let me say that I was wrong about the price! Not all of the iPods are that expensive. They vary in terms of space and price. More space....more price. So, I got an Ishuffle for only 45.00 at walmart which says it has enough space for about 250 songs ( I believe that is what it said). So I bought it. I could not wait to get home and download Itunes.

After I got all that done, I downloaded some of my favorite music using my Paypal account....YES, isn't that great?...they accept Paypal. Then, I clicked on the PODCAST section. Then ART (oh yes) and I downloaded several CRAFTCAST shows. It was free and it only took a second or two. Then I went and bought the little connection device so I could listen to my ipod in the car (it was about 9.99) at Walmart.

So today, on my way to Midland (35 min) drive, I was able to listen to show #111. It really hit home with me. It is with Sheri Gaynor the author of Creative Awakenings and it was so timely for me. It was an awesome interview....very must check it out if you have not already.

I'm so loving making these art handbags. This is a sneak peak of Art Bag Number 4. Number 3 is on the sewing machine and not picture ready.

One more thing and I will close, I picked up a book today that I really enjoyed. It is called "Ignore Everybody....and 39 other keys to creativity" by Hugh MacLeod (language warning). Pick it up and give it a looksie, I think you might like it.


Priti Lisa said…
I have this i-pod in gold, only color available in the Avon catalog, LOL! I'm delighted, on a "yeah, I'm cool" high since June. Thanks for the book tip, always love those :) Lisa
Poetic Artist said…
Everyone needs a I-pod. So we can connect with our own world..LOL>
I really need that book..Thanks.
deb did it said…
Lesley, you are on such a creative roll....ENJOY THE RIDE! and that book looks fun...gotta go check it out!
Odd Chick said…
i love my ipod. i can learn so many new things and still keep my hands busy.

you are amazingly clever!!! i love your stuff
rxBambi said…
I couldn't live without my ipod! I have my iphone for music in the car (it'll plug right into the aux spot) but then I accidentallly washed my ipod mini that I had so just recently I went out and bought the pink shuffle (I also bought green Ear Candy buds, they are awesome) for exercising. I wanted the purple one but I cant find it so I got the pink. I love it! good job!
Debbie said…
Well, now it must be official. I must be the only person left without an iPod!
Rob said…
Welcome to the iPod club! I use my Nano daily.

I did a massive digital music conversion project a few years ago to turn all of our CDs into mp3 files. We still buy actual discs, but then rip 'em right away.

I'll admit, I haven't done podcasts much. Gotta get into that a bit more...
Julian said…
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