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Live From the Chandler Grill

In order to counter the negative energy of a Monday, we decided it was time to grill some shrimp and veggies on the grill. Nothing says "Ahhhhh" like something as beautiful as this on the grill. While my skewers smoked on the grill, I watered and photographed my container garden to give you an update. Everything is doing fairly well....I did have to replant my cantelope in a bigger container as it was looking kinda puney in the little planter I put it in. I'm also having a little problem with insects but I got an organic insect killer for vegetables and I have been applying religiously. I really want success here! Can you tell?

Every night, I go out and water and tend to my little garden. I don't know much about gardening except you need dirt, water, and more water. Then you might have to kill some bugs and pray. That is it! That is my knowledge of gardening. But I love it. I love seeing the results of your labor. Like this little tomato gave me the biggest thrill! I could go to the grocery store right now and buy 100 tomatoes and not have the thrill that I had when I discovered this little green baby. What is that? JOY

These are my radishes. Won't they be good in a salad? I found a recipe for strawberry jam today in a magazine at the car wash place and I tore it I am going to make strawberry jam.....What is it about summer that makes us go crazy? Hmmmm -buzzzzz- I love it......


tainterturtles said…
Of course you can make strawberry jam funky art's easy. Make freezer jam, that's the best. Just follow the instructions in the SureJel box!
Debbie said…
Yeah, I've never heard of a cantaloupe in a container! But the radishes do look good.
Rhea Calvert said…
We have been researching the best organic way to take care of the garden pests and from what we have been reading, lady bugs are natures best way to take care of our gardens. The article I read said to buy some at your gardening store or go out and find them and just release them on your garden. Pretty cool! Glad y'all had a better Monday evening! love you!
Yummo can I come for dinner? Miss ya, hope you are out of your funk! Love ya! Miss ya! Hope to see you soon. Renea
deb did it said…
you are making me so hungry! mouth watering kabobs on the Barbie! I love shrimp! and it is nice to know we are BOTH magazine rippers as doctor office reading materials are never the same after my visits!
Susan said…
Those veggies on the grill look yummy.

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