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Dumpster Diving Diva

Dumpster Diving Diva
Yes, I have to say, I probably looked something like this yesterday. I'm hoping that my bo-hiney did not look so much like this one though. OK, are you ready for this Lucy Ricardo story?
It was Monday and I was working. I parked in the hospital parking lot and was going to go in and market to all the social workers. I spotted a trash dumpster and decided I should take advantage of that and clean the trash out of my car. (When you work out of your are constantly cleaning trash out). So, I gathered up all trash and proudly walked over to the dumpster that I was parked so close to. I'm always so proud of myself for making do on the run.
I proudly released my trash into the dumpster and before it hit the bottom I realized I also released my car keys! DANG IT! I could see them but for the life of me, I could not reach them.
First, I looked all around for witnesses (none) so I dipped in slightly with my arm reaching as far as it go. Not even close. I thought to my self "Self, surely there is something in that car that can help you reach those keys". All I could find was my lint brush. It did not help any. I found myself with legs dangling much like this pic and my tummy being squashed beyond anything I have ever felt. Still, not keys. I tilted out of the trash can and noticed at least 3 cars that were pulling into the parking lot that surely had witnessed the crazy lady diving in the dumpster. I was desperate!
I noticed a nice looking young man talking to a nice looking young lady several feet away. Did I mention that he had really long arms?
I explained my situation and he kindly (and very easily I might add) grabbed my keys from the dumpster for me. He and his cute little girlfriend laughed with me. After it was all over, I thought to myself, I am Lucy Ricardo incarnate. Where the hell is Ethel?!


Sacred Yoli said…
Awwww, I am glad some hottie came to your rescue! I love that picture by the way! haha.
Carolyn said…
hahahaha! so funny!
i've been called Lucy, mostly by my husband.
sometimes I think you are my Texas Twin.
Giggles said…
Absolutely priceless story...haven't we all been there at one time or another. Thanks for the giggle!I'm sending this to a few friends who I know will relate!

Hugs Giggles
Silke Powers said…
Oh, that made me laugh! A perfect start to my day... Glad you got your keys back!! ;) Silke
Kim Mailhot said…
Oh my ! This is a "The Universe is laughing at me !" story if I have ever heard one ! Glad they sent some cute angel to help you out too.

Wishing you an Ethel asap !
Here's to a dumpster free day ! ;-)
Oh Lucy, reading this was a funny as when you were telling the story. You crack me up! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!!! love ya, Renea
tammy smith said…
okay -WHO are you?
I got to your blog from Lenae May's and the first picture I see is of your butt sticking out of a dumpster-I gotta love i love your artwork.
i was just in texas at roundtop-is that anywhere near you guys?
tammy smith said…
oh and i'm adding you to my blog list-hope that's okay!
Marie Reed said…
Wow! Your art is so groovy! Thank goodness for men with dangling long ape like arms!
Susan said…
Maybe it's a good thing Ethel wasn't there, she might have let you fall in. Seriously, this story is a riot. Reminds me of the time the vacuum at the car wash almost vacuumed my billowy skirt off at lunchtime and I couldn't retrieve the dang thing from the hose. Good thing we don't work together. Sheesh.
Anonymous said…
doncha hate that? Done it myself, but at least you didnt break a nail..that pic has her with the best manicure..
I think she moved to Fort Worth!
Too funny and I love the photo!~
rhea Calvert said…
MY GOD! That is hilarious! Wish I could have been a fly in your car so I could have seen the whole thing!
Anonymous said…
OMG, that is why I had three daughters, they keep me laughing all the time. LOve ya Kiddo, and you got to go find Ethel. You and Your sister will fight over the Lucy name tho remember when she was on interstate 20, dressed as Lucy, chasing dogs??? LOL

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