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Some Thoughts

OK... no art to show you today...just some thoughts. Think of it as kind of a newsletter from the funky art queen's mind.

Why is it that when people you know see you at the grocery store, they always sneak a peak into your basket to check out what you are buying? (It happened again today) Do they think you don't notice their quick glance? Do I do that? I hope not. Maybe I do. I have been noticeing that lately. Does that happen to you? I think someday, if I was just a little bit braver...I would fill my basket with wine, condoms, and maybe some rubber gloves to really get them thinking. Nosey people!!! Now I can't really concentrate on my visits with people at the grocery store because I am checking them out to see if they are checking out what is in my basket. Is that the mind of a paranoid? Do I have anything to hide? Well no, unless you think it is bad to have a basket full of condoms, wine, and rubber gloves...heehee-LOL

I have been meaning to tell you about a friend of mine who has opened a fabulous shop called "Via Pacifica". She makes the most wonderful jewelery. Every piece has a special meaning. You just have to go and see to understand... Here is the cool part...she participates with the Beads of Courage which is: "a resilience-based intervention designed to support and strengthen the protective resources in children coping with serious illness. Through the program children tell their story using colorful beads as meaningful symbols of courage that commemorate milestones they have achieved along their unique treatment path". So, when you buy from "M", my dear friend from California, you give to a wonderful organization.

This is a picture of our precious little Biscut. He went to heaven yesterday....the details are too sad to discuss. My husband is the one who grieves the most because this was his special baby. We loved our little Biscut Man. God Bless You Biscut for all your love and guarding of Dad.

I have not forgotten about my Stacey and Kelly prizes. I have just been extra busy. I promise I will send them in this lifetime! Hugs for patience...


Anonymous said…
R.I.P. Biscuit...I loved him even if he did bark at me all the time! I know your hearts hurt and mine for you. About the grocery store have to add Vaseline to the list of items to have in your basket...and a rubber chicken just for the confusion! love you guys!
FAQ said…
Oh Rhea, you are so funny. I like the idea of the vaseline and the rubber chicken...What looks I would get. Love it! Funny Girl!
Stacey said…
FAQ, so sorry about Biscuit. I know how hard it is to lose a dog, it sucks!

NO WORRIES at all about the contest--trust me I'm okay with it. Actually I still await my big GRAND PRIZE I won months ago in the Dog Days of Summer Contest. I think I need to write her off, call it my gift to her! And I can tell you for certain Kelly is okay with it too--she has a new sweetie to keep her mind occupied anyway! xoxo
Anonymous said…
oh, sweet funk. i am so sorry to read about your much-loved pup...too sad... your dear husband is so sweet and kind to you, he must have been just so with biscuit, too.... hugs to both of you, and much love...

and thank you, dear friend, for your kind words about via pacifica. that is so kind.

most of all, thanks for making me laugh out loud about what you would have in your grocery cart. that is just too funny for words. and rhea's right! i say, add the good stuff, too: strawberries, whipped cream and chocolate syrup!

hugs all around.
Anonymous said…
I am not sure whether to laugh or be sad here! vaseline and rubber chickens??...not sure I want to know LOL

I am however sorry for you loss! Blessings! xoxo

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