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Funky Quilted Handbag

I finished this purse last weekend. I thought I already blogged about it...but apparently I did not. I was very pleased with it. It took some time to finish and I decided to call it my "Ten Thousand Stiches Purse" Heehee. It took about that many stiches to put it together and then decorate/embellish it. But, I like doing stiches and embroidery. It is very relaxing to me. It is something very repetitive that does not require much thought.

I was so excited to discover that it had already been purchased from my
Etsy site the other day. Wow! That was quick. So I decided before I send it off to it's new owner, I better share it with you.

On another note, (no pun intended) I find myself obsessed with those cute little matchbox notepads. Have you seen them? They are so cool! Now I'm trying to make a quilted one! I have it cut out and ready to sew. I bought some beautiful pieces of fabric yesterday at Hobby Lobby to use on purses and accessories. I cut out a purse pattern last weekend and hopefully will get to that as well this weekend. My daughter and I are going to Midland to shop and do girl stuff today. I'm looking forward to our time together. We are also going to meet up with our friend Renea and have coffee together. Happy Saturday. Hugs!


Anonymous said…
very nice bag. and very fashion accessories. It will be a must to have
Anonymous said…
Very nice bag

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