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A Happy New Year to You and You and You Too.

I love the new year. I always feel like it is a time to reorganize and refresh. After all, we do get to start a new calendar! We can throw that old calendar from 2006 with all it's unfinished projects and missed appointments-right in the trash. Now we will really get organized this year right? At least that is what I'm saying.

Lately, I have been thinking about my plans for the new year. I have several goals and a couple of resolutions to share:
  1. I long to simplify my life some. It just seems that my life has become so complicated with activity, stuff, bills, obligations, and clutter. We have so much garbage. How can we make that much trash? We don't have one empty closet or drawer in this house! Lately, I find myself thinking about how I can simplify my life-my families life, our home, our budget. My first thought was to find a book on the topic...then I decided that would be just one more book to clutter my already spilling over bookshelf. I will continue to think and ponder this matter and keep you posted. Let me know if you have some suggestions.

  2. I want a garden this year. I have been doing research on container and raised gardens. I mostly want some vegetables and I would love some herbs. I want tomatoes, squash, beans, banana peppers, jalapenos and a variety of herbs. That ought to simplify my life some! But really, for some reason, I have been thinking about how nice it was when I was young to have fresh vegetables right from the garden. We canned beans and peas every year among other things. Why don't we do stuff like any more? I guess I'm getting old because I long for these simple pleasures.

  3. I would like to narrow my activities down. In that I mean, I have burdened myself with too many things. Couldn't I narrow my art style down to some specialty as opposed to having every art supply know to man? My craft room/sun room is over flowing and has become rediculous. Something to think about. It just seems like the more stuff I have; the more distracted I become. Do I sound ADD? I probably am.

  4. I would like to focus on my art and become more visible as an artist. I would like to be published again and I would like to enter some art shows. I have never entered an art show and I think that will be a goal this year.

I think that is enough to think about right now. I just want to say, I hope you have a wonderful new year. I pray that we will all be safe and have peace in our hearts. I heard Joel Olsteen say this the other day during a Larry King interview: "Where you are going is much more imortant than where you have been". If you believe in heaven, then this quote has so much clarity.


molly jean said…
I experience some of the same thoughts about simplifying my life! I even thought of and rejected the idea of buying a book. I also struggle with the more and more art supplies. I remember when all my fabric, yarn, and painting and drawing supplies would fit under one bed. It was a HIGH bed!

I don't know a solution to this problem.If I store too well, put things up neatly, I can't find them fast enough and may even buy duplicates! It has happened.

I enjoy your posts and seeing your art! Molly

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